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If you’re looking for an at-home skincare treatment that feels a little more like a spa facial, consider the benefits and relaxation that can come from steaming your face.

While steaming your face may sound complicated, it’s actually really simple. The process only takes about 10 minutes, and can be done from the comfort of your home. Is steaming your face good? Yes – steaming your face is a great way to up your skincare game.

To help you get started, we’ll break down the benefits and the process.

Should you steam your face?

By now you’re probably wondering, "What are the benefits of face steaming?" The biggest benefit of steaming your face is that it helps with cleansing your skin. How?

It’s common for pesky, acne-causing bacteria to get trapped in the pores of the skin. While sebum and dead skin cells clog pores, steam can help soften pores, making it easier for impurities to be released and removed.

What does steaming your face do?

Besides helping to clear your pores, steaming your face also promotes skin hydration. Another benefit? Steam allows your skin to better absorb topical products.

Beyond skincare, steaming your face also comes with health benefits. It’s relaxing, stress-relieving and even sinus-clearing.

How to steam your face

Let’s get to it! There are three techniques you can use to steam your face. Apart from water, all you’ll need is a bowl, warm towels, or a home facial steamer. If you’d like, you can also have a few essential oils or herbs on hand to add a calming aroma to the water. Some popular options are chamomile, lavender, and eucalyptus.

Before you get started steaming your face, you’ll want to drink water for hydration, and start with freshly clean skin. Wash your face using a gentle cleanser to remove any surface-level impurities. The Proactiv+ Acne Treatment System is designed for sensitive skin. The Skin Smoothing Exfoliator prepares skin by clearing away excess dirt and oil. Here’s a few tips on ways you can steam your skin:

  • Steam over a bowl or sink of hot water.

    Heat 4-6 cups of water and pour the liquid into a bowl or the sink. If you’d like, you can add-in any essential oils or herbs to the water. Keep your face 6 inches above the water and drape a towel over your head to trap the steam. Let your face steam for 5-10 minutes, taking breaks to cool off as needed.

  • Steam using warm towels.

    Use warm tap water or heat water till it’s warm in a bowl. Once your water has cooled to a comfortable temperature, soak a towel in the bowl of water. Wring out the towel (so it’s damp rather than dripping) and cover your face. Make sure you leave an airhole for your nose. Let your face steam for 5 minutes.

  • Use an at-home facial steamer.

    Fill your facial steamer with water and plug it in to let the steam generate. Once your facial steamer is ready for use, keep your face 5-10 inches away from the cone attachment. Let your face steam for 2-3 minutes, taking breaks in between as needed. Make sure to read your facial steamer’s instructions before using, as they can be very powerful.

How long should you steam your face?

So, how long should you steam your face? We recommend limiting sessions to 10 minutes. While there are many benefits of steaming your face for acne, any additional time could cause irritation. Remember to take breaks to cool off as needed and be mindful of the water temperature. If you use the towel method, make sure the water is warm to the touch, not hot. Keep your eyes closed to avoid any eye irritation.

What to do after steaming your face

Wondering what to do after steaming your face? Once your skin has reached a comfortable steaming time, you’ll want to follow these steps:

  • Rinse with lukewarm water and pat dry
  • Apply a moisturizing cream or serum
  • Massage your face

To prevent any irritation, avoid rubbing your skin immediately after a steaming session. Instead, pat your face dry. Now that your skin is cleansed, you’ll want to moisturize your skin so it can soak up all the hydrating nutrients. Choose a non-comedogenic, oil- free moisturizer for the best results. Once the moisturizer has soaked in, take some extra time to massage your face. Work your skin upward as you massage your face and neck. Massaging your face will help promote blood flow and end your steaming session on a relaxing note.

How often should you steam your face?

So, how often should you steam your face? To get the most out of the process, we recommend steaming your face once a week. Treating face acne is challenging, but taking care of your skin can help. Steaming your face is a great way to take care of your skin at home.


There are numerous benefits of steaming your face! From clearing your pores to promoting hydation, steaming your face releases dead skin cells and helps with blood flow.

If it’s your first time steaming your face, start with the warm towel method. It’s always best to start with warm water and a shorter session to see how your skin reacts. Make sure to cleanse your skin before steaming and moisturize afterwards with non- comedogenic products like those in the skincare system options proactiv offers.